Your outcomes and life-changers

Change your career or bring your practice to another level by adding the Lecher antenna to your complementary therapy practice

  • Be a Certified Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practitioner from the Delmotvibres Training Center which has an excellent Code of Conduct and Ethics and very High Standard Moral Values

  • Work when you want and from where you want as you can do distance work sessions with your clients too

  • No need for a practice room

  • Generate an income between $£€48000 (half time) to $£€96000 (full time) depending on how many hours/day and how many days/week you want to work. And this is in case you offer your sessions at low-budget!

  • A satisfying job which constantly produces good results for your client’s health and well-being that gives the client insight in certain of the issues he/she is dealing with

  • Build a steady practice with satisfied returning clients

  • Keep your own health and well-being in optimal condition at all times

  • Anne-Marie Delmotte’s aim is to ensure that you are competent in Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics and will have the knowledge and skills to start your own Complementary Therapy Practice

Advantages of being a certified Practitioner from the Delmotvibres Training Centre

No need to travel to an exam center

Graduate from the comfort of your own home


  • Have access to exclusive Lecher antenna settings to better assess your client at Practitioner Level.

  • Have access to exclusive Lecher antenna settings related to your background and education if available.
    For example: settings for food allergies in case you are a Dietician or Nutritionist.

  • Be certified and recognized from a training centre with high moral values, excellent Code of Conduct and Ethics and strict exam procedures

  • Be added to the list of trained and recognized Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practitioners

  • Have access to Practitioner insurance cover more easily depending on your country of residence

  • Be recommended to potential clients

  • Be provided with documents that will be useful to you as a Practitioner: electronically fillable Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Intake Form and Follow Up Form

Start your career as a recognized Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practitioner now

Work from the comfort of your own home

No need for a Practice Room as all can be done as distance work too

Bonus material

  • Bonus material

    Have access to exclusive Lecher antenna settings to better asses your client's issues at Practitioner Level.

    Have access to exclusive Lecher antenna settings related to your background and education if available. For example: settings for food allergies in case you are a Dietician or Nutritionist.

  • Bonus material

    Be added to the list of trained and recognized Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practitioners of the Delmotvibres Training Centre after passing their exams

    Be recommended to potential clients

  • Bonus material

    Be provided with a digitalized custom Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics "Intake Form" and "Follow Up" for their clients to fill and sign electronically

Order together with Bioenergetics Levels 1,2,3,4 and 5 online course at exceptional discount and get FREE 20 color filter set (market value 135 euros) AND ADDITIONAL LIVE 1 ON 1 COACHING FOR IN YOUR PRACTICE
While stocks last !

Special "NEW CAREER WORK FROM HOME" 80% discount!
Learn and work from the comfort of your home
No need for a Practice Space

Content of the Practitioner Status Certification Module


    The student will receive a test with a number of questions about the course content and Code of Conduct and Ethics at an agreed date. These have to be answered online within 24 hours of reception of the questions. This test can be taken on a desktop computer, phone or tablet. The student will immediately know her/his score after taking the test. Passing grade is 80%. The questions will be similar to the questions of the Quizzes and Tests that are in the course content and some additional questions will be about the Code of Conduct and Ethics of the Delmotvibres Training Centre.

    This test can be retaken once free of charge if the grade of the student is between 50 to 79%.
    If the grade is less than 49% then the test can be retaken at a charge of 10 euros. The purpose for this is to encourage the student to take the effort of studying before taking the test.
    The resit takes place within 2 weeks after the first test at a new agreed date and time.


    If the student has passed part 1 with 80% or more.

    Within 2 weeks after part 1, the student will send, by email, 2 written case studies of bioreadings and balancings/bioresonance the student conducted of 2 persons who are physically present. For this, the student will receive electronically fillable INTAKE/REPORT FORMS from the instructor. These pre-made fillable documents can be used by the student for clients once the student has passed the exams and is set up as a Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practtioner with his/her own proper Practitioner insurance.

    During Covid19 pandemic: 2 cases of bio-energy and balancings/bioresonance of themselves are also allowed if at least 3 weeks is left between each balancing/bioresonance session. In this case the student will send in the cases within 4 weeks after part 1.


    If the written cases are satisfactory and sufficiently documented.
    Within 2 weeks after part 2 and consent given by the instructor to proceed, the student will send in videos of 1 case study which has to be different from the 2 written case studies of a person that is physically present.

    During Covid19 pandemic: 1 case of bio-energy and balancings/bioresonance of themself is also allowed if at least 3 weeks is left between each balancing/bioresonance session. In this case the student will send in the video of the case within 4 weeks after part 2.


    Within 2 weeks at an agreed date and time that suits the timezone of the student and the instructor. In this part, the student will be asked a limited number of questions about the course matter and the case studies the student conducted.

    During CoVid19 pandemic: show you are capable to measure with antenna in horizontal and inclined position (plant).


    If the student has a passing grade of 80%, the PRACTITIONER STATUS CERTIFICATE will be send to the student within 2 weeks after part 4.

    if the grade is between 50 and 79% and the student has passed part 1 and 2, the exam can be retaken at 30% of normal price.

    If the grade for part 2 and 3 is less than 50%, resit for part 2 and 3 will be offered to be retaken at 40% of normal price.


  • Have enrolled into and taken the "Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Energy Balancing Delmotvibres-method AND Bioresonance Harmonic Remedies method Levels 1,2,3,4 & 5" course


    Have enrolled into and taken following 3 separate online courses: "Dowsing with the Lecher Antenna - Bio-energy Level 1 and 2" and "Dowsing with the Lecher Antenna Bio-energy Harmonic Remedies Levels 1,2,3 & 4" and "Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics advanced level 5". More information about these 3 separate courses can be found on this website.
    The student shall at least have done 1 individual online coaching with the instructor which is either included with the training program or can be ordered separately here:

  • The student shall demonstrate an impeccable code of conduct and ethics and not given DVER any doubt or reason to the contrary.

  • Students are to declare to the recipient of the case studies for this exam in advance that they are not qualified. A written consent from the recipient is highly recommendable.

  • Have good knowledge of English

  • Be able to make and send videos of good video and audio quality. The videos should be less than 25MB so they can be sent to gmail address.

  • The exam modules take place and should be finalised within 180 days after purchase if ordered together with the Bioenergetics Levels 1,2,3,4 and 5 course and within 90 days if ordered separate. 180 days during CoVid19 pandemic.

Disclaimer: The instructor of this course does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the instructor is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this course for yourself or others, which is your constitutional right, the instructor assumes no responsibility for your actions.